Reframing Latino Identity in Los Angeles

"The Everyday world is invisible until we are forced to see it differently... Art is a primary means of making strange the already seen, already known" - Viktor Shklovsky

Adjacent to the Getty’s Pacific Standard Time LA/LA: Latin American Art and Latin Art in Los Angeles, and hosted by the A+D Architecture and Design Museum, Los Angeles and the Museum of Latin American Art, Long Beach, ReveaLALA was a user generated digital exhibition which asked Los Angelenos to use a pink postcard to highlight and reframe important personal visual depictions of Latin culture in Los Angeles. From public sculptures and iconic buildings to murals and everyday street vendors, each element is taken out of its context asking the viewer to rethink the importance and meaning to the individual framing it.

The images are posted to social media with a description and the location is geotagged which allows visitors to engage on a self-guided tour of the city to view and understand Latin American and Latin art and culture in an authentic way outside of the walls of the museum and as told by the residents of the city.

Designed in collaboration with Andrew Byrom. Cultural advisors: Juan Felipe Herrera Poet Laureate of California, Tom Lutz Editor in Chief, Los Angeles Review of Books, Eder Cetina Los Angeles Art Collective, James Rojas City and Transportation planner / Founder of Place It!, Dr. Catha Paquette Professor, Latin American Art / Cal State Long Beach.


The Unmentionables Symposium


Patagonia Design Studio